D.I.P. Daily immunity Protection™

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16 - 06 - 2023

What are the benefits of EpiCor?

EpiCor® fermentate, a unique substance made from fermented, dried yeast rich in beta-glucan polysaccharides and other health-supporting nutrients. It’s been shown in clinical research to work through the gut to...

16 - 06 - 2023

I have an autoimmune condition. Can I take DIP?

Yes. It is not contraindicated for Autoimmune conditions as it has a balancing effect on the immune system.

16 - 06 - 2023

What is Larch Arabinogalactan Powder?

Larch Arabinogalactan powder, is a fibre that ferments in the intestine, increases intestinal bacteria, such as lactobacillus, and has other effects that could benefit the digestive tract and immune health.


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